Web Site News: .....New or soon to arrive,, Stipa robusta also known as Sleepy Grass seed, Chaliponga also called Diplopterys cabrerana, Crushed Kratom Leaves and Blue Lily Flowers have arrived and are ready to go. Added to the Special Request Page is Motherwort The Special Request Page is a new addition to the site where you can find Virola Bark, Sinicuichi, Kratom, Blue Lotus Flowers Nicotiana rustica and glauca, Prickly poppy, Quebracho Bark, Voacanga bark and seeds. Available now or soon, Siberian Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, Mimosa Hostilis rootbark, Ceilo Caapi, Psychotria Viridis Leaves, Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, Syrian Rue (Peganum Harmala), Calea Zacatechichi (dream herb), Damiana, Wild dagga flower tops, Nicotiana Glauca, Nicotiana Rustica, and Datura Stramonium!!                                                                                                                                

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Amanita Muscaria
Blue Lotus Flowers
Caapi Vine
Calea Dream
Chaliponga leaves or
Diplypterys cabrerana
seeds and pods
Damiana Leaves Flowers
Datura Stramonium
Kratom Leaves
Kratom Extracts
Mimosa Hostilis
Psychotria Viridis
Psychotria Viridis Plant
Rivea corymbosa seeds
Stipa robusta /
Sleepy Grass Seed
Syrian Rue
Peganum Harmala
Wild Dagga Flower
Yohimbe Bark
Yerba Mate
African Red Tea (rooibos)
Belladonna roots
Nicotiana glauca Seeds
Nicotiana glauca
Nicotiana rustica
Prickly poppy (chicalote)
Sinicuichi (sun opener)
Quebracho bark
Virola Bark
Voacanga Rootbark
Voacanga Seeds
Yerba Mate
Copal Resin
Dragons Blood
White Sage
Nag Champa
Tara Tibetan Prayer
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Turnera diffusa leaves and flowers

/pics/damiana_turnera_diffusa_boxed.jpgFamily: Turneraceae
Genus: Turnera
Species: Turnera diffusa

Damiana or Turnera diffusa is thought to have originated in Central America. It can now be found growing wild in Central America, Mexico, South America, West Indies, and parts of the south-western USA. Plants require a hot climate and they can be found in their greatest concentrations in Baja California and Northern Mexico.

Turnera diffusa grows into a small perennial (lives more than two years) shrub that can reach a height of 3-6 feet tall. The leaves have an aroma similar to that of lemon. The stems are upright with small yellow flowers that produce sweet smelling fruit.

A drink made with damiana has been used in central Mexico for thousands of years as an aphrodisiac, and for centuries, the spiritual and mystical application of damiana have long been recorded in Central American folk lore. Today Damiana is one of the most sought after herbal tea mixtures available. The remedies associated with Damiana would fill this whole page.

The Mayan Indians utilized the leaves of the Turnera diffusa plant by making them into a drink and adding sugar to sweeten it. Then it was drunk for its power to enhance lovemaking. It was also consumed in some Latin American countries as a dietary supplement.

For medical purposes, in addition to being utilized as an aphrodisiac and for treating conditions related to the reproductive organs, Turnera diffusa has been used as an anti depressant, cough suppressant, diuretic, laxative, and as a tonic.

Other medical applications include being used to treat asthma, bronchitis, neurosis, and gastrointestinal problems such as dysentery. It can also relieve or reduce headaches.

In Germany, damiana is consumed mainly to relieve excess mental activity and other nervous disorders. In the UK, the application of damiana has been primarily focused on the sexual factors, but it has also been used to treat constipation, depression, and dyspepsia (disturbed digestion).

Damiana can provide antibacterial benefit when applied to the body or taken internally. Scientific testing has shown that damiana can be effective with certain weight loss treatments, and has been beneficial in reducing blood sugar.

The FDA has not approved any of these statements. This plant cannot treat or cure disease. If you are suffering from an illness or disease, consult a doctor.

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100 grams Damiana Leaves and flowers


Buy  hawaiian baby woodrose seeds
250 grams Damiana Leaves and flowers


Buy  hawaiian baby woodrose seeds




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