Salvia Divinorum Care Guide Live Plants

Your plants are coming bare-root and will have to be planted in the next couple of days (should be planted immediately). When you receive them they should be put into individual cups of pure water (distilled is best) to allow the roots to recover from the trip ( This is ok, but planting can be done immediately if you use some B1 transplant mixture). You will also need some kind of humidity tent at first until they become acclimated to their new home.
The easiest way to achieve proper humidity is to simply place a clear plastic bag over the cutting and fan out daily. Although every cutting roots differently and some may have thicker or more abundant roots these are all healthy vigorous cuttings and will grow very well provided they are cared for. The roots will be long enough to plant after a day or two in pure water (roots are well established when shipped. they won't change in a few days). An average of 1 inch long roots is a good time to plant. I have not noticed longer or shorter to be a problem (Not sure about this information, the bigger the root ball the better in my experience). Make sure the soil is draining very well and keep somewhat moist during the early days, then let dry out slightly every time before watering (Salvias will wilt immediately if the soil drys out. Keep them moist constantly). The plants can slowly be weaned off of the humidity and acclimated to other environments. A good way is to take the humidity tent off for increasing lengths of time until you don’t need it anymore (Salvia's require misting twice a day for optimum growth). The best organic fertilizer for salvia is fish emulsion. If organic is not an option start fertilizing very low with a general all-purpose fertilizer and try Miracid or some other high acid fertilizer once in a while since she is an acid loving plant. B1 nutrients found in kelp extracts are excellent for general plant health and for combating any stress, especially early in the life of the plant. I know that growing this plant will bring you much joy and satisfaction as it has to me.
Please be aware that Salvia Divinorum is only to be grown as a decorative plant and for the preservation of the species, it should never in any way be consumed.

Good luck with the plants!
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